Failure Sucks...

Music: Never Leave Your Heart Alone - Butterfly Boucher
Mood: Stressed Out
So I guess you could call me an obsessive compulsiver overachiever. If you can picture Flick from Election, that's pretty much me. Except without the affair with the teacher, obsessive button and pin making and I would probably go after Chris Klein, not sabotage his campaign...but sabotage is always fun.
Anyway, back to the point. Failure sucks. I know this may sound all high and mighty, or come across as egotistical, but my perception of failure is anything under 80%. That's a fail. This week alone, I have failed a physics test AND a chemistry test. Badly. Which has never happened before. So it sucks. I'm stressing AND freaking out.
I'm gonna change the subject now before I freak myself out WAY too much.
So I checked the hit counter on the site and it's on 138 hits...where are these coming from? Who are you people? Are you lost? Or do you enjoy reading my random ramblings? Please leave comments, I want to know who you are!!!
Anyway, what else is going on in the world of Chars...
Leadership voting began this week at school. Let me tell you people, democracy at a high school is so overrated. You'll get the votes if you have a funny name or a funny photo. Am I hoping to get a position of something? Hell yes. Am I going to tell everyone to vote for me or that I want to get it? No, because then I'm just setting myself up. And as the title of this post says, failure sucks.
Highlight of the day came in the form of a staff vs student basketball game. An incredibly hot student teacher decided to grace us with his presence on the court. And yes that is his picture above. I decided to post it here because I figure the chances of anyone actually finding this blog, unless they go on my msn myspace, is slim to none. So, enjoy.
I am still indulging in the joy that is Laguna Beach. I don't know what it is about that show, it's so vapid and I know it but I can't stop watching. It's so damn addictive. Stephen and Talan are so damn hot. Damn.
Moving on, it's week 8. Yay! 2 more weeks until the holidays! Celebrate people! That's fantastic news! Of course, before then I have a crap load of work to do. Isn't life grand? I'm so tired right now, I don't think I'll do Japanese homework tonight. I'm just gonna sleep. Also tape Alias. Ha it's been a week since my last post, like exactly. Brilliant.
Ooh I got a PSP...well technically it's getting shared with my brother. I also saw episode 1 of season 3 of the OC! Which rocked! Woohoo! Go the Aftermath!
Going shopping this weekend and seeing Dukes of Hazzard. Which should be good. It looks good. I'm hopefully gonna buy a bikini this weekend, which should set me back about $70. Great. Oh well, I'll deal. I really need a job.
Going now, maybe to sleep.
Bye all!
Like the naked leads the blind
I know I'm selfish
I'm unkind
- Every Me Every You
- Placebo
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