Sin City and the Half-Blood Prince

Mood: Awed, kinda upset
Music: Tomorrow - Lillix
So last night I watched Sin City. Visually, that film is amazing! Warning, there will be spoilers from her on out about Sin City and the latest Harry Potter book.
So I watched Sin City last night at 9:30, large cinema though, just enhances the film. Went with four guys and my girl friend. Had good seats. Got to steal popcorn from a friend. Sin City is without a doubt one of the strangest, most rewarding films I've ever seen. In a film noir style, the story opens quite violently, with Josh Hartnett's character romanticizing about a female, before embracing her and then...shooting her. Yep, that one was definitely a shocker.
Of the three stories, my favourite is without a doubt the second one. The story of Jackie Boy and Dwight. The first one, featuring Mickey Rourke's character whose name I can't quite remember, was gruesome. Opening with sex, the story quickly delved into violence with Rourke's character killing his way up the ladder to find out who was behind the murder of his 'friend' Goldie. Eventually meeting Elijah Wood's character. Let's just say I can never watch LOTR again. Frodo goes wild in this one, a cannibal with a penchant for eating prostitutes. It's gross. The way in which Rourke kills him, however, is even grosser. I'll admit it, I was definitely slumping down in my seat and hiding behind my hair in that scene. Ew.
I've decided I love the Clive Owen's character, Dwight. He rules. The perfect vigilante, standing up for and playing hero to the prostitutes in Old Town. Those prostitutes KICK ASS. So innocent...well not really innocent, but looking defenceless yet each of them carrying bigass guns AND showing that they know how to use them. Mihao ROCKS! Prostitute with samurai swords. That girl kicks ass. Silent and deadly, Devon Aoki does it SO well. In this story, Jackie Boy's death is particularly gruesome. Never thought he'd be a cop either. Dwight's hallucinations in which Benincio Del Toro's head is talking to him is just damn FREAKY. Hated that.
By the third story, the movie kinda seemed to be dragging. The story of Nancy and Hartigan had been introduced earlier. The villain in this, that yellow thing was disgusting! Freak AND a pedophile. Sicko. He deserved to be yellow and he deserved the horrific death which he suffered. The whole Nancy/Hartigan relationship didn't really appeal to me. The age difference was just WAAAY too big. Kinda gross. I loved the way they ended the film too. Josh Hartnett going after Becky in the lift. Btw LOVE Alexis Bledel's blue eyes.
Now onto Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I just finished it about half an hour ago. All I can say is, wow. It took me about eight straight hours. That book is nothing short of amazing. In some bits, it did drag, with Rowling relying on old formulas a bit too much, but in the last few chapters of the book, Rowling delivers. In an amazing finale, I will admit that Rowling moved me to tears. That was amazing and moving. Can't write a proper review right now, still trying to wrap my mind around it all. Wow. I don't see how that was a children's book. It was ridiculously creepy and gruesome in some portions. Sure nowhere near as gruesome as Sin City, but freaky nonetheless.
That book made me cry more than the Do No Harm episode of LOST. But not as much as A Walk To Remember. I miss Boone. Ian Somerhalder is such a hotty and despite the wrongess and Cruel Intention-ness of it, the Boone/Shannon relationship was HOT. They were gorgeous together. So in response to the loss of Boone, I've posted some nice Boone/Shannon-ness above.
Enjoy, what they have kids, is undeniable chemistry. I honestly hope that Ian Somerhalder and Maggie Grace are going out in real life, so cute together.
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