Get Torched!

Music: All Nite (Don't Stop) - Janet Jackson
Mood: Pretty Good! Shoe-induced euphoria
So I'm going to see where the muse takes me for this post. Not that I need a muse for a it strange that I need a muse to update my blog? Meh, don't really care. I've always been weird, why change now. Well not really weird I spose. What is weird? (Oooh deep, I know) So anyway, I have new shoes! Somehow managed to get new shoes from my mum, I think it counts as a 'reward' for a good report. Basically, it's her justification as to why, on a whim, she bought me $90 shoes. Which I have fallen in love with. In the last month, I have spent almost $200 on shoes. But in my defense, the other pair of shoes was for formal, which is in less than a month! Yay! So excited
Gone full out for formal. Got the shoes, the dress, the bag. Taking a limo, hopefully going to afterparty... It shall be a fantastic night! Hopefully with lots of pics to remember with. So strange, I swear my generation has the worst memory. Which is why digital cameras and photos come in handy. Of course if a pulse thing happened eg. Dark Angel style, we'd all be screwed, and probably not remember what we looked like as children. So sad.
Sin City tonight. After an immensely long wait, the film is finally getting released here, and it looks FANTASTIC!! Violence should be abounding. It'll be great. However, in conjunction to seeing Sin City, I've discovered that at this point in time, I have more friends who are guys than girls. Why you may ask? Well it's because a chunk of them are embroiled in a fight that I don't wanna get involved in, one's grounded, one's in Greece and a chunk of them I'm not actually that good friends with anymore. Which is kind of depressing. Instead, it's me, one of my girlfriends and a whole lotta guys. And no, that doesn't make me a skank. I just happen to have more friends who are the moment. But all my close friends are girls, if that makes a difference.
Saw Fantastic Four the other day with my mum. Despite what a lot of people have said, I liked it. Especially Chris Evans as the Torch, he was fantastic, brightened up the film a lot and kept it from getting too heavy. I think I'm gonna take a picture of my formal dress later and post it up here, but until then, here's some Chris Evans to heat you up!
Well the picture actually ended up above the post, but you get the general idea.
So hopefully when I return, I'll have rave reviews for Sin City!
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