Wednesday, June 15, 2005

So it seems...the bell tolls for thee....

Ok so the title made zero sense whatsoever. And by the looks of my hit counter people are actually reading this so yay! go me! I think....
So my laptop died last week, and like everything else in my life it died with drama and flair. It all began with a ticking noise coming from my harddrive. And then it froze. And then it refused to restart. And then I lost ALL my files.
Story of my life....except it's not...

So exam preparation sucks, especially English exam preparation.
Hamlet is a bipolar deranged insecure pompous asshole.
That's what I would write if the essay was free choice.
But it's not.
Damn conformist structured society

So I guess this does count as an update, even though it's really small.
Just kinda tired right now and not all that inspired.
But I will update more!
I promise!
So you stalkers can get your fix...or maybe I should abandon this....
Hmmm nah....


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