Monday, February 27, 2006


Mood: Tired, procrastinating
Music: For Blue Skies - Strays Don't Sleep

This is going to be another one of my self righteous rants, just so you know. So I was sitting with my friends at lunch today, and let me just say I love my friends, they're fantastic, they're awesome etc. But sometimes, I just don't agree with what they say or do. Today was a prime example of it. One of my friends, let's call her T brought up the fact that Iraqis have moved into her old house. Ok, first up, how did she know that they were specifically Iraqis? I just found it totally unreasonable to label anyone of that ethnic background as an Iraqi. Second, she commented on how she didn't want them to be "praying to Mecca" and stuff like that. I think she has unreasonably prejudiced herself against the Islamic Religion. However, then another one of my friends then went on to comment on how they might go all suicidal and blow people up. I will admit that I went along with the joke at first. And thinking back, that really sucks. I shouldn't have made those comments that I did, they were definitely wrong.

I ended up walking away with another friend who didn't agree with the racist comments either. I tried to call them out on it, but I guess sometimes standing up for what's right inevitably gets you labelled "stressed-out" or "too serious". The sad thing of this whole incident is that it labeled how ignorant the youth of this nation is. Their grasp of racial rights and ofwhat truly the cause of terrorist attacks sometimes seems non-existent. I think sometimes that these sort of callous comments will get them attacked, verbally or physically, by someone who is truly offended by them.


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